Tuesday, March 24, 2009

A refusal to learn

Do you have a lesson in your life that you are repeatedly trying to learn? I do. The lesson that I need to learn over and over again is that I cannot glaze a kiln's worth of pots and do a bunch of glaze testing in one day. Ever since I installed my own kiln, I have been struggling to learn this.

It normally takes me about four weeks to make enough work to fill up my kiln for a bisque, because I only work about 10 to 15 hours a week in my studio. I then try to glaze all those pieces in one or two days. And every single time, this sounds like more than enough time, but nearly every time, I'm struggling to get it done. And I'm usually under some kind of deadline for custom orders or class assignments, so I can't just push the schedule back and glaze another day.

I don't know why I do this over and over. I did it again just this week. I have a surface treatment assignment due on Monday, so I plan to fire a glaze kiln Friday night into Saturday morning. I should have probably fired a bisque around March 13th in order to give myself plenty of time to glaze and mix some new glaze tests, but as usual, I didn't. I ran the bisque last Friday, and now have just one day to glaze everything. Why do I do this to myself?!

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