Friday, April 17, 2009

I haven't thrown it at the wall quite yet...

I got some focused shots today of my light-colored pots! I talked about the situation with an old dear friend of mine who happens to be a high school photography teacher, and she agreed that for some reason, the camera isn't able to distinguish the light-colored pots from the background. So I tried changing the shutter speed and some other settings but still wasn't getting anywhere, although I learned about the camera in the process.

Then I happened upon a decidedly low-tech solution. I held a chopstick directly in front of the pot, focused the camera by depressing the shutter button halfway, and then removed the chopstick and took the photo. Voila! Perfect focus.

Check out the improvement in the final images:

Now the question is, do I want to have to do this little chopstick trick every time the camera can't focus on a pot? It's quick and easy, but it seems like when you spend a good chunk of cash on something, it should work without having to resort to this. On the other hand, it's only certain pots that cause trouble, and the camera's super fast, and the photos look great, and it's working fabulously for my close-up jewelry shots. I guess I have a decision to make. At least for now I finally got some new photos for the store!

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